
sick toddler no fun...

Well we were off to a bang and then Mac got sick : (  Poor little guy, fever, stuffed up, runny nose, cranky (rightfully so).  So caring for twins and a sick toddler is no feat. However, I have amazing support from my family and husband so we are getting through it... and you just do what you got to do. Thank you Sara and Jared.

I have to remember that this newborn stage is gone in the blink of an eye. So, I have to remind myself to stop between double feedings, diaper changes, swaddling, baths, bedtime, books, tummy time, laundry well you get it... to say thank you for blessing me with my family, my boys, my life. There is nothing like the little noises that babies make, or when you make eye contact and they just studying your face, the way the attack the bottle when they are hungry, their little smirks, or they way the just fit on your chest all curled up so content. And certainly there is nothing like a 2 year old telling you "yub you mommy", or yelling up the stairs "mommy what are YOU doing", or when the babies cry "mommy hold him he's crying".  We have definitely started off our busy summer and we have had our moments but at the end of the day when we look back, Jared and I say "we made it" and "look how blessed we are".

Challenges for today:: 

-- Hank and Oly are hungry at the same time.

-- Mac is cranky due to being tired and sick.

Blessings for the day::

-- My sister Sara, a great helper indeed. 

-- Making Mac laugh hard while playing outside. 

-- Oly's little constant smirk, like he's smiling right at me. 

-- Hank my love bug, sleeping away on my chest. 

-- The sun's out. 

--Everyone is napping from 1-3pm yes'um.

And lastly confessions from an overtired mama:: 

-- I couldn't find my coffee anywhere today, didn't even have one sip. Come to find out when I went to heat up my lunch in the microwave there it was cold as can be : )

-- I put the orange juice in the cabinet with the cups today.. Oops.

-- I accidentally forgot to let our dog Morris out this morning, he waited an hour so patiently. I felt bad. Morris, I won't let it happen again.

-- I washed the same load of laundry twice... well at least it is clean : )

Geez, you'd think I was starting to show some signs of Alzheimer's.

Happy Mothering : )


just can't get enough of this guy

can't forget Morris too... especially since i forgot to let him out : )

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    It's Cassie from chi omega. I saw your blog in fb. I love reading mommy blogs.
    Congrats on your twins!! And your little boy. So cute. I'm like overwhelmed with my 3 year old and only having 1 baby lol. But it's a good overwhelmed. And I can't say my baby is a baby for much longer she just walked yesterday!
    Hope you are doing well :)
