
the grey gull 2011

i love the beach... it is the most peaceful place i could ever think of. i love the beach even more because every year we get to spend a week with my mom's family here at the ocean. the grey gull in ocean shores has been the home to the annual drugge family reunion for many years. i am so blessed to have the family that i was given. we have gotten to really play and become close to our cousins and aunts and uncles here. i always leave here feeling refreshed, renewed and thankful for my family.

over the years almost my entire life i have come here, i have pictures from most years and this i have grown with this place, it is amazing to have been here from when i was a toddler, to kid, to teenager, young adult and now as a mother. i have evolved from when i used to eat the sand, play with buckets, pails, kites, to when we used to run and play. then as we got older we drove mopeds, played golf, played games. we had to stand lined up by age along the pool edge with all my other cousins in our swimsuits while our photo is taken year after year become more and more embarrassed -- diving lessons from grandpa arnold, bobbing in the pool with grandma olive, shaky johnson stories, beach bonfires, dancing the macarena with grandma, holding our breath under the water competitions, eagerly watching from our deck waiting for the pool to open. now as i come this year i get to share this experience with my son and now history is repeating itself. it is simply amazing to be a part of this wonderful family and tradition.



mac helped me with my title : )   can't help but blog about my adorable little guy mac. oh how i love thee mac moody! he is just my little blessing. everyday i find a way to love more and more. jared and i are so blessed to have mac. he is our happy, determined, strong willed, loving, curious and high spirited little guy and we just can't get enough.