
quotable kids

I just can't get enough. I love listening to my 2 1/2 year old talk, he says the cutest and funniest things. It is going to be amazing to hear Hank and Ole talk, especially to each other : ) I just want to remember these moments forever.

"Mommy... cars drive on roads. I have my red car (little plastic red toy car) so... I can go in the road, yeah thats a good idea".

As I am walking to the bathroom to go potty Mac says "Mommy let me know when you need help".

"Mommy, can you say sank you (thank you) to Daddy?"

Mac calling Grandpa "I'm gonna be Corduroy (for Halloween), what are you gonna be Grandpa Tom?"

"Mommy can you say Octopus?" So I say Octopus... Mac then says "Good job Mommy, thats a hard word".

"I get ice cream or a cookie and those are my choices". As I am giving him a choice between reading books before his nap or not.

Grandma asks Mac where he got his new car, Mac says "from the computer"... because we ordered it from amazon...

"OH MY Goodness Mommy."

"Oh gosh"

"Mommy who made our house?" Me... well Mac I don't know.  Mac says "Mommy, God did".

"Mommy you are pretty and stinky".


  1. "I want chocolate cake in my mouth."

    @ 4:30 as we're on our way out of the house on our way to the baptism...

    He's a funny boy! I maaaay have bought him another gift. Whoops?

    Next quote: "Sara is the best aunt every =)"

  2. "Mommy, now you say tada."

    (Mac said tada after getting his new shirt, he wanted Pam to say tada for her new shirt too!)

    "Uncle D, its time for you to go home."

    "Uncle D is silly, he sleeps a lot."
